RMTS Products & Services
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CyberShield Membership Plans
Individual Membership
billed annually
Annual Membership includes
Remote antivirus monitoring
Online credential monitoring
Scam prevention resources
Discounted member hourly rates
Covers ALL your IT services
Enterprise grade password vault
Enterprise grade antivirus
Emergency point of contact
Training to improve online security
*Additional family members - $150 year

Why should individuals and small businesses miss out on protections normally only reserved for larger organizations that can afford enterprise grade monitoring and protection.
With RMTS's CyberShield programs, protection and monitoring is now affordable for everyone.
Call or Text Today!
Small Business CyberShield Membership
Starting at: $64 per mo
Membership Includes
​Remote antivirus monitoring
Online credential monitoring
Scam prevention resources
Discounted support hourly rates
Covers all your IT needs
Enterprise grade password vault
Best in class Antivirus
Emergency point of contact
Product training included
1 TB of encrypted Storage